Saturday, May 9, 2009

Staph Infection: The Sequel

MY TURN! ughhhh... yep, that's right. It was probably only a matter of time, and it happened... I got staph infection. Oh, but that's not all. I got a virus similar to strep throat - Matty described it as my throat looked like it was covered in freezer burn. It was miserable! Basically on Tuesday morning I had a little scratchy throat and thought I was maybe getting a cold or something. We went out to dinner to celebrate Cinco De Mayo with the Alexanders and I continued to feel worse and worse throughout the evening. By the time I got home I had a temp close to 100 and that's when it hit me, I probably had staph. Sure enough, I had a bump - small at the time but doubled in size by the time I got to the hospital. One great thing was, Besty came along and kept me company at the hospital so Matt could stay home with Case. How sweet is that! I mean, not many people get three hours to just sit and hang out with Betsy Ricucci. Although, by the end of it, I don't know if I was exactly coherent. My temp had gone up over 101, my whole body hurt, it was just bad. I came home, tried to sleep and woke up Wednesday morning feeling worse. So my dear friend, Emily came over and took care of Case and I for the day. I basically slept until 4pm, only waking up to feed Case. My day was something like, sit up and think about getting dressed, lie back down for 10 minutes, sit up and put shirt on, like back down for 10 minutes, sit up and put pants on, lie back down for 10 minutes. It was rough. Thursday was a tiny bit better, but finally by Friday I knew I would live to tell about it. I'm just thankful I am feeling well enough to celebrate my first Mother's Day as a mother (not to mention it's my birthday) tomorrow!


  1. I'm glad you're starting to feel better! Happy Birthday and Mother's day! Case sure is adorable and I'm sure he'll make your first mother's day wonderful!
    Hope we can see each other soon-I'm excited to meet this little guy!

  2. A few things:
    1. Bummer about getting sick, but I am glad you are feeling better!
    2. Happy Birthday Hannah!
    3. Happy 1st Mother's Day!
    4. I want to see come pictures of your girl friends there. I keep hearing the names, but would love to see some faces. I think you have posted some, but I don't think that their names were on there.

    Hope you are doing well!

  3. Ugh! That sounds horrible! I'm glad you are doing better though!
