Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Next Step in our Journey

Matt and I will be finishing the PC year with a big question mark for our future. At this point, we don't yet know where we will be heading off to, so in the mean time... we get to move home! Back to Minnesota to serve at Sovereign Grace Fellowship as we continue to pursue a couple of options. To say I am excited about this is a HUGE understatement! I can't wait to find out where Matt will be servingand we will be moving to, but since we don't quite know that yet, there is no place better than HOME! The amount of time we will be in MN will depend on how quickly things move along with where Matt will be serving next, so I guess it's anywhere from 1 month to 6 months. And we just found out we will be living with the best roommates EVER, the Eikums! We lived with them for the two months before we came to Maryland and it was so much fun! I can't wait for grilling out, softball games, tiger sauce, a million other things and maybe a little 'So You Think You Can Dance' for us girls! They are such a wonderful example of hospitality and selflessness as they are again opening their home to us - and this time we have little Case to keep us all entertained! Eikums, thank you so much for serving us in this way. Matt and I are thrilled to be moving back in with you two! And we are THRILLED to be able to spend at least some time with all of you who we love so much back in MN. Ah, a MN summer! Tonight I will be dreaming of tubing, wake boarding, grilling, playing bocce ball and best of all, Case's first Twins game!!


  1. How exciting that you get to go home for a time! We'll continue to pray for you all as we trust the Lord to direct every step you take.

  2. HAPPY DAY! This is fun news indeed... I'm glad to know that we will be living in MN at the same time for at least a little while. Since Nachelle won't be in town perhaps we can cut out the middle woman and be ACTUAL friends :)

  3. I am excited for you to get to go home even if it is just for a short time! Enjoy your last few weeks in Maryland!
