Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two weeks old?!?

It's hard to believe that Sadie is already two weeks old! She has been a really sweet and easy baby, typically only waking me up twice at night. That has been a VERY pleasant surprise! Matt had one week off, it was so nice having him home those first couple days. Unfortunately, the weather has been miserable, so he didn't get to take Case outside to get much energy out. His last day home it was sprinkling, so we put Case in his rain boots and coat so he and Matt could go explore some puddles. He had a great time! The next morning when Matt went back to work, I found Case like this...
He put his boots on (even on the right feet) all by himself and kept saying, "ouside, ouside??" (outside). So sweet!
Another morning while I was changing Sadie's diaper, Case walked into the room with the toilet bowl brush in his hand! GROSS!! I try not to think of what germs he got all over the apartment before I saw him with the toilet bowl brush.
Case is very good at "sharing" with Sadie. He likes to bring everything too her, this is how I found her one morning!He must love her a LOT to share his cars with her!
Last Saturday, my mom, Alisha, Macey, Jordan and Brooke all came over for a play day! We spent a little time at the park before it started raining, then we headed back to our place for lunch and play time. Macey and Case were hysterical, I love that they are best buddies. Case always talks about "Mace". Here's a really sweet picture my sister got of Macey and "SadieBelle" as Macey calls her.
Here's a couple of other sweet pictures - Sadie in her newborn outfit that is supposed to go to her ankles, she was only five days old in this picture! Guess she won't be wearing many of her newborn outfits - she is just so long!And here's our little Sadie after her first bath at home. Matt's aunt, Molly, made her this towel - isn't it adorable (the little button says, I heart u)! And it's so nice and big, she'll be able to use it forever!

That's a little of what's been going on here lately! Today ends my ban on driving and picking Case up. I don't quite feel like I can carry him all over the place like I used to, but I am excited to just be able to pick him up instead of having to sit down and ask him to climb into my lap whenever he wants to be held. It also ends my days of having help! Ahhh, on my own! I'm really looking forward to going to the park, zoo, library - anywhere!! Let me know if you are up for a play date!


  1. Love the picture of Sadie & Macey... Saw Mace the other day and she asked me, "Do you know SadieBelle?"
    Love it...

  2. Hannah, you look great... as usual. Miss you lots.
