Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The night before

The night before we had Case, we took some pictures of my belly. I was so glad we did because I think I seriously forgot how big I was.
Here's a picture of my belly the night before I had Case...
So tonight we took the chance to take a few pictures of my belly since we are having our baby girl tomorrow by c-section at 7am!! Unbelievable!
Here's our baby girl!

Both Matt and I agree that I'm not quite as big as I was with Case - I definitely don't have quite as much amniotic fluid as I did with Case. But my belly is still pretty big and I am feeling it! I'm not looking forward to recovering from a c-section again, but I am looking forward to not being pregnant and best of all... meeting our baby girl!!
Are we ready seems to be the big question... ummm, no! But we sure are excited! I think most adventurous, challenging, humorous, etc will be how Case responds.
Tune in tomorrow for the name and some pictures.


  1. You recovered pretty quickly from the c-section last time didn't you? I just remember being so amazed at how well you were doing. Praying for a quick and easy recovery and a little girly that loves to sleep (when she should sleep).
    Congratulations and God bless!
