Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sibling Love

We had no idea what to expect with regards to how Case would respond to Sadie. We have been blown away by how much he loves his little sister! It has been an absolute joy to see him interact with her. When he came to the hospital to see all of us, he was slightly interested in her, liked touching her nose and her hair, but then he was off to play with a balloon, run with Daddy or jump on my hospital bed! We were really glad that he was so good with her and he was fine when he had to leave the hospital. He'd come say bye to me, walk to the door, turn around and say, "Bye, Baby!" - it was super sweet! Here's some pics from the hospital!

I for one, LOVE the hospital. Best part of the c-section, I get to stay at the hospital for an extra day. I know so many people are itching to get home, but man, I feel like the hospital is a hotel!! They bring me food that I don't have to prepare or clean up after, they change my sheets everyday, they take the baby so I can sleep at night, how does it get any better?!

I did REALLY miss Case so that made me excited to get home, but I was thinking it would be pretty chaotic the first few days. I thought Case would have a hard time with me not being able to pick him up or play with him when I was feeding the baby.

Although he does sometimes like to sit right with me on the boppy while I'm feeding her, he does a great job of understanding when she's eating and he waits patiently for her to be done. He loves to just look at her, touch her, talk to her, bring her toys - he's just been unbelievable! As soon as he wakes up from his nap or comes home from playing at the park with Matt, he says, "Where da baby?" Matt and I have said that's easily the thing he has said most often over the last couple days, we love it!

His new favorite thing is to "hold the baby" he gets her blanket, sits on the couch, pats his legs and says, "Baby, Baby", over and over until we put her in his lap. He actually does a great job! The first couple times, I held her head or had my hand on her body for support. He quickly realized what I was doing and would push my hands away and say, "No." He wants to hold her all by himself! We just couldn't ask for him to be a better big brother! Now we just hope he does as well when Matt goes back to work!

We got Case a present from Sadie... I don't think Matt could have picked a better present! We got him a basketball hoop! Besides "Where da baby", his other phrase we hear constantly from Case is "a hoop!" meaning he wants us to come play basketball with him. He's actually REALLY good at it, he's got great aim and even shoots with one hand.We are loving being a family of four and have loved these days at home together!


  1. Hannah, the crazy thing about this post is that I can't believe how big Case is now! Memories from his birth flooded my mind and babysitting him when he was just 5-6 weeks old. He is such a handsome little boy and I am glad he is a sweet big brother to sweet Sadie!!

  2. Case's smile is so adorable. I am glad that he is adjusting well! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  3. What a dream she is! Congratulations on your new member!

    It was so great to hear of your wonderful attitude and a great delivery from you make them cute hannah! God bless you guys!

  4. I agree about the hospital being a a mini vacation! I am looking forward to my vacation in a few weeks:) When my grandma was having babies she got to stay like 10 days back literally was her vacation for the year...maybe that is why she had 6 kids in 9 years!

    Love, Katie Nash
