Friday, June 11, 2010

Family Movie Night

We had our first ever family movie night yesterday evening. It was so much fun! We watched the Pixar movie, Cars. It really is SUCH a cute movie, I had seen part of it and Matt had never watched it. We both LOVED it. But... our excitement didn't come close to matching the excitement of our car-loving Case! He ranged every where from running around in front of the tv saying "Car, Car!" to sitting with Matt saying, "tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle" super fast (his way of saying he's having a lot of fun) to being a super sweet snuggle bug with me! But maybe the best was this picture - don't worry we didn't let him sit here very long!


  1. Hannah, I love that you are home now and make blog posts everyday....keep them coming. See you soon!

  2. Too cute! Xavier LOVED that movie! He asked to watch it almost every day for two months when we first bought it. I even made him a Lightning McQueen birthday cake for his 3rd b-day and he STILL talks about it!
