Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cambridge Weekend

Last weekend Alisha and I took the kids up to Cambridge for a few days. I went up Thursday through Sunday morning and Matty joined us on Friday night. It's always fun to go to Nana and Papa's but it's even more fun with the cousins! It's crazy how big Macey and Case seem now that Jordan and Sadie have been added to the mix.
On Friday my mom, Alisha and I took all the kids to the Isanti County Fair - I figured out the last time I had been there was 9 years ago!! It was great to see some familiar faces, the best was visiting with Laurie Solle, I was hoping I'd see her and the Cambridge Ambassadors painting faces like I did 9 years ago! Case got his face painted, it was a green "star" that he wouldn't sit still for and then wouldn't stop touching so it was basically a blob - so fun! Then we went to visit the animals - here's Case waving to a pig.

Then ate a really quick lunch because the picnic tables were right by the rides and Case was just dying to go on the rides! First was the car ride - I love this picture of Macey and Case!
Then they went on the merry go round - Alisha and I have such bad motion sickness that my mom rode with them and we could barely even watch! I wish I could be a "fun" mom and go on rides with my kids but that's a dream I'm going to have to give up!
Macey and Case had a blast, Jordan did great and Sadie did what she does best! She slept the entire time, not even a peep!
The next day we went and visited my grandma where there was a great little fenced in courtyard for Macey and Case to run around in. They have the best activities there too - Case had a blast spinning the little windmills, bowling, and they had this thing that made HUGE bubbles.
But the definite highlight for Macey and Case is always my grandma's walker!We headed back for naps and then woke up to play outside! The fought over toy this time, the hose!
Here's some great pics I got of Macey and Sadie that afternoon. Macey just loves her little cousin and she's so much more gentle than Case, it's much easier on me!

A little tired after all the fun!

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