Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Up and Running again...

A couple of weeks ago, I read through all of my blog posts I've written over the past year and a half. It was so much fun and it gave me great motivation to keep blogging, even about little everyday things! Then... our internet stopped working. We just got it working tonight, so I'll try to get some make up blogs up in the next few days! But in the meantime, I'll leave you with a few fun pictures from the last month!

Can you find the baby?
There she is! And there is the culprit!
I love this picture of Case's bedhead - he woke up like this from a nap, with perfectly coiffed hair! I couldn't get it to do this if I tried.

And here's Sadie sporting her cute little hairdo! It makes me realize how much her hair has grown - even since this picture!

One day I was packing to get ready to head up to Cambridge for an overnight. I had my suitcase on the bed and it was about half way full of the kids clothes and my clothes. I was busy doing some other things and came back to this...Not only was the suitcase empty, but I could NOT find the missing clothes. I assumed Case came in and pulled all the clothes out of the suitcase, but they weren't any where in the bedroom?? I could not figure out how he could make a suitcase full of clothes disappear! After great detective work, I found them, here...

Can't tell where that is? I'll tell you how I found them. Being the smart detective I am, I put Sadie's jeans in the suitcase and put Case up on my bed. He immediately started giggling, ran over to the suitcase and did this with the jeans!
He had taken every article of clothing in the suit case and had shoved it down between our headboard and the wall. We were both laughing so hard!


  1. What a little stinker! :) Sadie is as cute as ever - I love her pony tail!

  2. Glad that you are blogging again. Your kids are adorable and case seems pretty funny!
