Monday, February 1, 2010

Arizona Vacation Part 1

WAY back in November... Matt, Case and I got to enjoy a vacation in Phoenix, Arizona. We went down to spend a week with our friends, Tiffany and Jason Hansen and their girls, Abby and Katie. We had such a great time, and Case LOVED it! He got to chase the girls around, be chased by the girls, play outside, and had a house full of new toys. I seriously feel like I didn't even have to pay attention to him at all, he was just constantly entertained. Here's some (ok, several pics of the kids playing in the backyard).
I took about 80 pictures of the three of them sitting on this swing, most of them looked something like this!

Here's the best one!

It was so good to just spend time with the Hansen's again, we've missed them all so much! What did we do? Well, what the Hansen's and Wassink's do best!... we ate, and we ate and we ate and we ate! We got to have a few of our Hansen favorite recipes and we got to grill out - not something we do too often in November in MN! We also visited a few fun places, talked and talked, but mostly, it all revolved around food - we wouldn't want it any other way! We even got to go to Cheeburger Cheeburger, a Maryland favorite that they also have in Phoenix. Here's a pic of Jason and Matty at Cheeburger Cheeburger
Here's some pictures from some parks we went to
I love this one of Katie!I didn't get any pictures of Tiff and I together! Such a bummer! At least we have several from our PC year, and hopefully we'll have more chances in the future when we have more visits! We'd love to get them to come to MN in the winter - ha! Somehow I doubt that will ever happen, but hopefully we'll have some more family vacations together in the future. It's crazy to think they've already added sweet little Emily to their family and we'll be having one more in June! Hopefully our little girls will be as good of friends as our kids are now. Up next, our trip to the zoo...

1 comment:

  1. Oh loved the pics. Katie makes the best faces... and Case looks like a little man. Wish I had seen Tiff pregnant though ;-)
