Thursday, February 3, 2011

8 months old

Sadie is 8 months old today! She continues to be our sweet, happy, easy baby! She is now on the move, she started crawling just after she turned 7 months old. Mainly she crawls just to get closer to me. She continues to be quite the mama's girl and wants to be in my lap or held by me at all times - keeps me busy :) She continues to adore Case and loves playing with him and his toys! She loves to smile and laugh, especially when Matt kisses her and tickles her with his whiskers.
She's eating baby food three meals a day and will sit contently forever if she has a saltine cracker!

Here's a couple of recent pictures of her showing some of her different expressions

My new favorite sibling pose...And just because he's cute...


  1. Oh my goodness...she is so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand not coming to take her and making her apart of our gang!!!

    Congrats on the new job and moving as well! God bless!!
