Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We've Moved!!

Ahh, long time, no blog! I actually have a decent excuse this time (have I maybe said that before?)! At the end of February we got the okay to sign a 6 month lease, so we looked at about 18 apartments in 4 days, signed a lease, packed and moved into our apartment on March 12th! It's been a lot of work and extremely busy, but after almost two years of living in someone else's basement, we are living as our own little Wassink clan! I feel like we are actually adults now or something :)
We really miss Bert and Beki and just the fun we had living with them and to see two people love on your little boy like they did... it was just so great! But we've already continued our Harry Potter watching with them and have made it pretty clear there is no way they are keeping us away from grilling and norweigan golf in their back yard this summer!
We had SO much help moving - I can't thank the guys enough for helping haul all of our stuff from two different places to our new apartment and the ladies who helped unpack and organize everything. This is now my third move while being pregnant (2 with Case, 1 this time). Not exactly fun, but each time people have just blessed our socks off by helping. Case went to my parents house for three days - I missed him so much but we can't even imagine how long it would've taken us to unpack if he would've been with us.
Case now has a bedroom again! In case you forgot, he was sleeping in our walk in closet at the Eikum's. He loves his own room, but we do have a new distraction in that he now has to fall asleep while actually seeing his toys! Probably not a big deal if the child has been doing this since day 1, but for the last 7 months all he's had to look at is four walls and some hanging clothes. So we've developed a system of saying "nigh nigh" to all of his toys. It's seriously hysterical, he waves bye-bye to them all and says "nigh nigh"! The process starts in the living room and goes into his bedroom as he says nigh nigh to everything in sight. It really works - I was actually shocked! Especially because his bedroom is so bright compared to a closet.
I have lots to catch up on and will try to be better about blogging once we get our wireless internet set up.
Pregnancy update: we are now only about 2 1/2 months away from meeting our baby girl! It seems unbelieveably crazy that it will be so soon. She's incredibly active, everytime the a dr listens to her heart beat they can only find it for a couple seconds at a time. They always spend lots of time reassuring me that it's nothing to worry about it's just that she's a super active little baby. Like they have to tell me :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah, It's been long time since I've read your blog, but am so happy for you having your own home. How excited you must be to meet your sweet baby girl in just a few weeks. It seems like yesterday when we were anticipating Case's arrival with you.

    Miss you guys, but think of you often. Praying for you all. Dana
