Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First year of preschool

I think I've mentioned a couple of times on this blog that we have really loved Case's preschool and feel very blessed to have found it. It's crazy to believe that his first year is already over! Here's some pictures from his first day!
and his last day of school!
Then we had the closing program! It was so fun to see Case up there singing with his classmates, I even got a little emotional! He was just so cute and seemed so big!
Here he is walking in, he kept waving at us, it was so sweet...
I think I gave him a thumbs up or someting here and this was his response!
And here he is singing!!
And getting his certificate from his teacher!
So proud of his certificate!
and so proud to have his little brother there!
Case with his teacher Mrs. Bergdall
and Mrs. McNally.
I asked Case, "Did your teachers say they were going to miss you?" He said, "Not exactly... they said they were going to cry." Then he kind of gave me a look like, isn't that silly!
The night of the program, his teachers gave us a little present which ended up being a scrapbook of his whole year. Pictures of him in class all year, projects he worked on and little interviews of things he said all year, it was so nice!
The kids and I after the program...
We are so proud of you Case!

Sadie is 3!!!

On June 3rd, Sadie celebrated her "golden birthday" and turned 3! We celebrated by having a little garden tea party for her. My friend Emily offered for us to have the party in her screened in back porch which ended up being perfect. It was really fun to plan a girly party this time around and I was able to find so much of the party things at the dollar store. For starters, these little wings for the girls.
I also made little flower head wreaths for the girls and leaf ones for the boys. It was incredibly easy once I looked up how to do felt flowers on pinterest (how did we do anything before pinterest)! Here is Sadie sporting her head wreath and wings and telling us she's three!
 I always feel like I  need to plan activies for the kids to do, but they just had so much fun playing together. This is a pic of all the kids at the party!
Big brother loving on his little sister!
And sweet little Lincoln wearing his mini leaf band!
We had the kids come in and decorate these little flower pots with stickers, I was shocked how perfectly quite they all were while decorating their pots, they took it very seriously!
While they decorated their pots, all of us parents filled up their plates.
I made "caterpillars" (grapes on scewers with candy eyes), pj and j sandwiches, butterfly celery sticks, ants on a log and butterfly snack bags.

I also made these little flower straws (again, all of this was from pinterest and so easy and cheap!)
For dessert they took their flower pots, put in some "soil" (brownies) and "flower seeds"...
and then they got a little flower! They were cute little mini cupcakes decorated by Emily!

Happy Birthday, sweet Sadie Belle! We love you to pieces and are hankful for our little tough-as nails girly, girl! You are one of a kind, you keep us on our toes and keep us laughing!