Sunday, August 8, 2010

When did they get so big??

A couple weeks ago, Andrea was driving through town and so Lindsey, myself and her decided to meet up at the pool once again! I'd be impressed if you remember - but about a year ago we took the kids there as well - here's some pics!
They just look like babies to me!! So cute and so little! So this year we set up in the exact same spot for another little photo shoot - this time Coleman had some pretzels! Somehow Case ended up with the bag, but it really helped them stay still!

When did they become such big kids?? It was really great to spend time with these ladies and their kids. Case always has a great time with them and I love spending time catching up with Dre and Lindsey.
Sadie is going to get her own buddies as Andrea is having a little boy in December and Lindsey is having TWO little girls in November! It was crazy to think that if we make this trip to the pool next summer, we'll be there with 7 kids!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2 months old!!

Our sweet little Sadie is two months old today! It's hard to believe she hasn't been in our family longer. She has already won each of our hearts with those big brown eyes! She is unbelievably strong, holding her head up, already loving to have us hold her up in a sitting position so she can look around at everything. She's smiling already and loves when anyone talks to her. She's been a really enjoyable and easy baby - sleeping through the night since about 6 weeks old and rarely fussy.
She has a very real and understandable fear of her older brother. Case loves Sadie and wants to be as close to her as humanly possible. He lays next to her and then wriggles and rolls all over so he's touching her as much as he can. We are definitely working on him being a little more gentle with her - he would love to poke her eyes all day long and pick her up by her arm if we let him. He likes to "pat" her which starts out gentle and then seems to have a momentum all of it's own! Sweet Sadie usually starts whimpering when he comes close to her, it's so sad! On Sunday I found him with Sadie's entire hand in his mouth and when he saw me, he bit her! Poor thing!! I felt so bad for her! He's mostly just curious and playing with her, but he does have his moments of just plain picking on her - oh how early that starts! She does really love to be held and I think it's because she knows she's safe from Case.
They do have some great times together, today he was clapping her hands and her feet together and she was loving it! The other day I got a few pictures of them together - I don't have too many because I am just starting to really trust Case with her.When I look at Sadie, sometimes I think she looks like Case but looking at these pictures I don't even think the look like siblings! We just love these two so much - happy two month birthday, Sadie!!

S'more from Cambridge

I can't believe I forgot to post about the s'mores we had up at my parent's house! S'mores are my favorite summer treat and this is the first time Case got to really participate in the activities. He loved it and did really great being careful around the fire.
I love this next series of Case with my dad - he calls Papa, "Poppy"... I'm pretty sure here he is saying, "Poppy, Chocolate peeeeeeassse!"
"First I'm going to put it right here on my nose..."
"Then I'll put it right here in my mouth, I just wanted you to know..."