Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our last days at the Eikums!

Here are a few things that Case was up to during our last days at the Eikums. It already seems so long ago that we've been there, but when we see Bert and Beki at church, it's pretty clear that Case remembers his best buddies!
Mama's helper in the kitchen:
Here Case is enjoying Bert's chocolate chip cookies (best recipe ever!!)Case was learning how to use a spoon in our last months at the Eikums, now he's a pro! Yogurt really helped him learn his spoon skills, but he can get a little creative!
Hmmmm... wrong end of the spoon?
Doesn't matter to Case - it gets the job done!
He's so proud of his mad skills, he even gave me a stinker face!

I got these Thing 1 and Thing 2 pajamas for Case a while back and it perfectly describes his new stage as he is into EVERYTHING!!

He definitely misses getting to play with everything in the pantry. Here he is stacking the peanut butter on the peanut can and then tackling it, over and over again - he's pretty creative :)