Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Preschool Christmas Parties!

 In December, the kids had their /Christmas program and parties at preschool! It was such a fun morning. They got all dolled up and couldn't wait to go to preschool!

Sadie had so much fun at her Happy Birthday Jesus party! Each child was given a character to color from the Christmas Story and Sadie was given Baby Jesus!
 Then her teacher read the Christmas story and each child got to hold up the character they colored when the character was mentioned in the story. Sadie was so proud when she got to hold up Baby Jesus.

Matt was out of town so I went back and forth between Case and Sadie's classes. Sadie's class was quiet and sweet and Case's was a lively party! They had several games and Case loved it!

After the parties we got to go to their Christmas program. I didn't get any pictures because I wanted to videotape the whole thing for Matt. The kids were so cute and had so much fun singing all their Christmas songs they had practiced.

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