Recently, he learned to crawl up the stairs here at the Eikums and it's almost all he wants to do now. His favorite thing is being "chased" up the stairs. We were of course following him to make sure he didn't fall back down the stairs and now he loves the chase game, especially when Matty does noises along with it. He also recently learned to pull himself up on just about anything. He walks along the furniture and LOVES walking behind his toy walker. He's gotten pretty good and he thinks it's the greatest thing ever, as always smiling his big toothy grin! Case also thinks it's the greatest thing to stand up. He practices all by himself by sitting on the bottom step and standing up and down, giggling away! He can now stand for 3-4 seconds all by himself.
He loves being tickled, and getting anyone to smile at him or laugh with him about who knows what! We love him so much and we are so grateful that he's such a happy baby! We had his "9 month" appointment but because of all the moving/visiting family and trying to get into a pediatrician here it was actually two days before he turned 10 months old. He weighs 17 lbs 9 oz (which is the 5th percentile!!) and he's 29 1/4 inches long (70th percentile). Still a string bean! We'll see if he stays on the charts, he dropped from 25th to 5th percentile in four months! But he's eating like a horse now, he loves real food, especially blueberries! I'm not sure if that's going to help him pack on the pounds, but we'll see! So, here's the good stuff... a bunch of Case pictures!
Happy Case